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Kayri – Gen 1: Chapter 3

June 13, 2010

Throughout my pregnancy Lemon was so supportive. He even bought some pregnancy books for us to read so we could be informed. Also, with some of the money he brought into the household funds, we bought a BV (Berrivision). I spent hours watching romances and whatnot on that beloved machine.

Even in the early stages, Lemon was right there trying to hear my stomach. He wasn’t too successful, but he had fun. When he wasn’t reading, talking to the baby, or talking to me, he spent every minute out in his inventing shed. While he potentially electrocuted himself, I was painting.

It was actually a picture of myself. I wanted to have a portrait of each of the heirs to my legacy on the walls of the house. I am the first.

I thought it was pretty good.

Another one of my favourite pregnant pasttimes was eating. I cooked a lot during my pregnancy. Unfortunately, the stupid dishwasher broke, probably from the amount of dishes I used. I was lucky that Lemon knew how to fix it. He got straight to work.

Towards the end I was huge. This baby was going to be big and strong.

Before I knew it, I felt a blinding pain. Owwwwwwwwwwww. This must have been what Katie felt when that javelin hit her. Aaargh!

I didn’t have time to get to the hospital. The baby was born in my little house. I really wanted a little girl, but when Emerald was born and I saw his precious little face, I didn’t care so much.

We’d even had a little baby room built for him. It was a cute sunshine yellow. He fit perfectly in there.

I put my little boy down into the crib and then turned to Lemon. I had a question for him.

“Lemon, I love you.”

“I love you too, Kayri.”

“I’ve had a fantastic time living with you. I guess what I’m trying to say is… will you marry me?”

“Yes, Kayri.”

Okay, I know it’s not very “traditional” that I proposed to him, but does it matter? We were going to get married. Nothing else in the world mattered. We decided that we would have the wedding soon. Neither of us wanted to wait, so we called all our available friends and scheduled for Saturday at 10:00am.

We decided to have the wedding at our house, so we could stay near Emerald. On the morning of our wedding day, I went into Emerald’s room to see him.

I gave my baby a hug and then put him to sleep in his cot so I could get my dress on.

Walking up the aisle to Lemon, I felt happier than I’d ever felt since Katie passed.

The rest of the wedding was so much fun. Lemon and I danced, chatted and basically had a great time. Afterwards I went back to Emerald. 

In no time my baby was becoming a toddler. Lemon carried him to his cake, and then we both waited to see who he would look like.

Awww. Just like his Daddy, except he had my eyes. Such a gorgeous little guy. After I put him to bed last night, I went to Lemon. I still wanted a girl. Lemon was open to that idea, so we tried again. The next day I started potty training Emerald.

While I was emptying his potty, that familiar queasy feeling came over me and I had to race to the bathroom. Up came my breakfast. I knew what that meant.

I was pregnant again. Hooray!

5 Comments leave one →
  1. June 13, 2010 2:05 am

    Congratulations! I hope they get that little girl they’re (also) hoping for.

    I’m really enjoying your story, I just got all caught up and I like Kayri, Lemon and Emerald, they’re really sweet! I wish that we could meet Katie but that’s mostly for Kayri’s sake 🙂

    If you’re interested, I’m also writing a legacy, it’s not a Berry Sweet one but if you want to check it out you should be able to follow my name/link

    • June 13, 2010 3:26 am

      Katie’s ghost visits a lot, I’ll show it in one of the next chapters. I’m actually really far ahead in game so I have to catch up.

  2. Berry permalink
    June 13, 2010 4:34 am

    OMB Cutie Pie Emerald! Love it

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